15 research outputs found

    Digitalization of Building Site Management in the Construction Industry

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     With Industry 4.0, a digital transformation has started in the construction industry. However, 4.0 technologies have difficulties in the integration of digital systems due to the diversity and complexity of the processes in the construction industry. Multidisciplinary work in architectural projects and the need for high productivity require digital renovation planning in the construction industry. The application of the technologies that emerged because of digital transformation on the building site has revealed the concept of the smart building site. Within the framework of many current issues such as the smart building site, the digital transformation on the building sites needs to be explored and defined. In this study, a bibliometric analysis was carried out on the publications in this field by evaluating the transformation potentials of the digitalized building sites of the future. Academic publications that will raise awareness in the improvement of building site management and the development of digital systems have been determined. Conceptual integrity was created by seeing the research gap for digitalization in building site management and it was aimed to guide researchers in future studies. As a result, based on the research area analysis and the diversity of academic publications, it was seen that the studies in the field of architecture were insufficient compared to the engineering fields

    Impact of Shallow Earthquakes on the Sehzade Mehmet Mosque

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    Potresi negativno djeluju kako na postojeće građevine tako i na građevine od povijesnog značenja. U radu se razmatraju destruktivni utjecaji plitkih potresa, magnitude veće od 7, na povijesne građevine. Analizira se utjecaj potresa na džamiju Sehzade Mehmet u Istanbulu. Džamija je modelirana primjenom programa za analizu konstrukcija SAP2000 metodom konačnih elemenata. Razmatran je utjecaj navedenih potresa na nosivi okvir džamije. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da uslijed razlike u magnitudama dvaju potresa, plitki potresi dovode do velikih oštećenja povijesnih građevina.Earthquakes have negative impact on both the existing structures and buildings of historic significance. This study demonstrates destructive impact of shallow earthquakes (over 7 in magnitude) on historic structures. In addition, the study analyses the earthquake impact on the Sehzade Mehmet Mosque in Istanbul. The mosque model is made by applying the structural analysis program, SAP2000, which uses the finite element method. The effects of these earthquakes on the bearing frame of the mosque are analysed. The results obtained show that, due to difference in magnitudes of the two earthquakes, shallow earthquakes cause major damage to historic structures

    Dynamic analysis of Dolmabahce masonary clock tower

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    Nedavni potresi u svijetu pokazali su kako je većina zidanih tornjeva sa satom podložna konstrukcijskim oštećenjima i urušavanju. Kako bi se istražilo ponašanje konstrukcije povijesnog zidanog tornja sa satom Dolmabahce u Istanbulu, izrađen je model tornja. Početno je analizirano djelovanje vlastite težine nakon čega je provedena dinamička analiza koja je uzela u obzir utjecaj dubljih slojeva tla uz temelje tornja te potresna gibanja zabilježena kod mekanih i čvrstih uvjeta tla prilikom potresa u Kocaeli u Turskoj 1999. godine.Recent earthquakes around the world have shown that most masonry clock towers are susceptible to structural damage and collapse. An appropriate tower model was erected in order to investigate structural behaviour of a historic masonry watch tower at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul. The initial analysis of self-weight was followed by dynamic analysis, which took into account the influence of deeper soil layers next to tower foundations, and seismic motions registered for soft and stiff soil conditions during the 1999 earthquake in Kocaeli, Turkey

    Construction costs of tunnel form buildings

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    U radu se kao referentni primjer razmatra stambena zgrada opremljena sustavom otpornim na bočna opterećenja. Sustav je sastavljen od posmičnih zidova izvedenih primjenom tehnologije bazirane na korištenju tunelske oplate. Zgrada je modelirana za razni broj katova, a pomoću modela razmatrana je prihvatljivost tehnologije s obzirom na troškove građenja. Razmatran je u i utjecaj vrste tla na troškove građenja. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da greške u određivanju kategorije tla mogu dovesti do krivih odluka pri odabiru najpogodnijeg broja katova, te pri projektiranju konstruktivnih elemenata i temelja građevina.A residential building with a lateral load resisting system, adopted as a reference example, is considered in the paper. The system is made of shear walls realized using the tunnel form technology. The building is modelled for a varying number of floors, and the model is also used to consider the applicability of the technology with regard to construction costs. The influence of the type of soil on construction costs is also considered. The results obtain show that mistakes made in determining the soil class may lead to inadequate decisions during selection of the most favourable number of floors, and in the design of structural elements and foundations of buildings

    Post-earthquake fires: risk assessment and precautions

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    Earthquakes have great damage potential and importance in risk management and structural engineering, causing fires in buildings such as residences and commercial spaces. Post-earthquake fires (PEF) are secondary disasters that can cause material and moral destruction and loss of life. Similar to natural disasters, they show the time of occurrence and possible scenarios in places. This study aims to analyse and examine what precautions can be taken to prevent or minimize PEF through risk assessment. In this study, a literature review was conducted with the tracking method, focusing on examples from the world where the fires that occur as a secondary effect of the earthquake can cause devastating damages and significant disasters, and inferences are made by classifying the data obtained. Many factors, such as gas leaks due to earthquakes, cracks in pipelines, and short circuits in electrical installations, can cause fires. In addition, flammable liquid or combustible gas emissions and fire protection disturbances create significant fire hazards after earthquakes. In this paper, in which the causes and consequences of fires are analysed, risks, the evaluation process depending on the risks, the precautions that can be taken according to the situations that the risks will cause, and the models developed are emphasized. The research is a reference study with the expectation that there will be an increase in the number of studies examining experimental and physical PEF models

    The evaluation of reinforced concrete residentials in terms of "shape-height-cost" and the determination of optimum form

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    Kaynakların kıt olması, yapı üretim sürecini sınırlayarak kaynaklardan rasyonel bir şekilde yararlanma zorunluluğunu getirmiş, bu zorunluluk ise özellikle yapı üretim sürecinin başlangıcında maliyetin planlanmasına ve denetimine yönelik çalışmaların önemini arttırmıştır. Bu doğrultuda bir binanın fonksiyon ve performansının değerlendirilmesinde maliyet önemli bir parametre haline gelmekte ve bundan dolayı tasarımın değerlendirilebilmesi için maliyetin belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Ancak teknolojinin gelişmesi, malzeme imkânlarının artması, yapım sistem ve yöntemlerinin gelişerek çoğalması gibi nedenlerle bir bina birçok farklı bütçede uygulanabilmektedir. Bu noktada önemli olan, bilinçli bir tasarım süreci oluşturulmasıdır ve tez çalışmasında da öncelikli amaç bu tasarım süresince katkıda bulunabilmektir. Tez çalışmasında öncelikle literatür çalışmasında yararlanılan kaynaklar ve paralellik gösteren bilimsel çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Bu incelemeler sonrasında çalışmanın sayısal kısmı için önemli olan; ön tasarım tercihleri, kullanılan modellerin mimari ve taşıyıcı sistem özellikleri, analiz yöntem ve parametreleri, maliyet hesaplarının ne kapsamda yapıldığı gibi çalışmanın sınırlarını oluşturan başlıklar detaylı şekilde ele alınmıştır. Alınan kararlar doğrultusunda sayısal araştırmanın yapıldığı uygulamalarda taşıyıcısı perde sistemden oluşan ve tünel kalıp teknolojisi kullanılan konut projeleri tercih edilmiştir. Sonrasında, ilk olarak konut yapılarında Türkiye şartlarında farklılaşan tasarım alternatifleri üzerine çalışılmış ve plan düzleminde basit dörtgenlerden ve farklı geometrilerden oluşan iki araştırma grubu oluşturulmuştur. Ardından, bu grupların dokuz farklı kat adedine sahip yapı modelleri, Sta4Cad programı ile oluşturularak yapısal analizleri tamamlanmıştır. Yapısal incelemeler ile modeller test edilmiş ve uygulanabilir olan projelerin maliyet hesaplarına geçilmiştir. Araştırmanın bulguları olarak, iki ana çalışma grubu üzerinde hem plan geometrilerinin hem de kat adetlerinin kontrollü olarak değişimlerinin yapı maliyetlerine etkisinin hangi mertebelerde olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Bu noktada formlarda maliyet değişimlerini etkileyen başlıca faktörler olarak "plan düzleminde boyut yakınlığı, burulma ve düzensizlik faktörleri, narinliğin ve dairesel tasarımın etkileri" incelenerek yapı maliyetine ilişkin yorumlar yapılmıştır. Verilen bilgiler doğrultusunda optimum konut üretimi için yapı maliyetlerinin azaltılmasında ve optimum geometrinin bulunmasında faydalı olacağı düşünülen önerilere yer verilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, bina formları, yükseklikleri, maliyetleri hakkında elde edilen bulgular ile ulaşılmak istenen ana hedef; günümüzde binalar yenilenirken mevcut yöntemlerin gözden geçirilmesine, yapı maliyetleri konusunda daha verimli tahminler elde edilmesine ve farklı yapı tipleri için benzer araştırmaların yapılmasına katkı sağlamaktır.The process of building production is restricted due to lack of resources and this limitation requires the efficient use of available resources. Therefore, studies relating to cost planning at the early stages of building production have gained importance. The cost of building becomes an important parameter while evaluating the function and performance of the building and hence, the determination of the cost of the building is required at the design stage. However, with the increasing of material types and the improvements on building technology, a building may be constructed with large range of budget. At this point, it is crucial to conduct a rational design process and the main aim of this study is to contribute to this process. In the first part of this study, previous studies are investigated. Then, important topics for the numerical part of this study such as; pre-design options, architectural and structural properties of the models, analysis methods and parameters, and the details of the cost calculations etc. are explained thoroughly. With the light of the decision made, the models with tunnel form technology and having shear walls as carrying elements are chosen. After studying on different design alternatives according to building conditions of Turkey, two study groups which consist of simple rectangles and other geometrical forms at plan plane, are established. The analyses of these two groups having nine different storey numbers are made with Sta4Cad. The analyses are evaluated and the cost calculations of the reasonable and applicable projects are done. The effects of the variation of both geometric form and number of storeys of building on the cost of the building are investigated. The analyses have shown that closeness of dimensions at the plan plane, torsional and irregularity factors and slenderness and circular design are the main factors that affect the cost of the building. The suggestions that are helpful for decreasing the building cost and determining the optimum geometrical form are made. In conclusion, with the light of the data relating to geometrical forms and building heights and costs, the main target is to contribute decision making process of overviewing the available methods when retrofitting the buildings and to make more efficient predictions about the cost of the building and encourage similar studies on different structures